A Learning Community
Changing roles
Community Innovation
General Outcomes
Learning Community Guides
What Xploit offers
Xploitation and beyond

The Xploit Mission

Community Profile tool

Xploit in Evora Portugal

Community Guide Story Hungary

Community Guide Story Romania

Community Guide Story Catalonia

Community Guide Story Wales

Community Guide Story Italy

Community Platforms

A learning community can be driven by working to include all important organizations and sectors in a community platform.
Community players can take an initiative to establish a common platform or forum for interested organisations and groups of citizens, often focusing on a limited number of needs or interests – or to promote an innovative profile for the community.

Most likely several work processes would precede such initiatives, including debates among a small number of community players.
The idea of this joint forum is to mobilize the organisations in the community and offer an alternative infrastructure to the more traditional communication and collaboration channels, but also to contribute to a new mentality of cross-sector collaboration driven by the interests of the organisations.
It is important that such platforms and initiatives are focused on and sustained by a limited number of initiatives and activities, and as such they are not replacing or doubling the political agenda of the community.

This community approach might be facing some typical threats, such as

  • Difficulties in creating a common understanding between sectors
  • Difficulties in agreeing on common focuses
  • Weakening motivation if the network is not backed-up by concrete actions and results
  • Problems with including different groups of citizens, as the platform has been established priori to their involvement, and as such a platform might be dominated by organisations and their agendas

On the other hand, this approach can deliver results rather quickly because

  • The platform immediately offers new infrastructures of communication and collaboration, thus reaching out to many different parts of the community
  • Cross-sector collaboration is included at an early stage
  • Major players are likely to participate from the beginning
  • The local authorities are like to take an interest and to offer support, if the platform is attractive to major stakeholders in the community

New initiatives must be taken to sustain the interest of the organisation.
The platform should link to and include groups of citizens as much as possible.

  Supporting materials
  Community paper Nagykovácsi
  Xploit - in Nagykovácsi Hungary
  Xploit project results in Hungarian:

Xploit – tanulói közösség

Xploit – cambiant rols…

Xploit – comunitat innovadora

Xploit – 3 évnyi munka eredménye

Xploit – tanulói közösségek segítői

Xploit – mit kínál az xploit projekt

Xploit – az eredmények hasznosítása… és azon túl

  Community Guide Story



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